The Computer Age - Glitches and All

July 26, 1995

The Computer Age - Glitches and All

Your computer must have had a few extra ''1''s in it when this article was written (see ''New Self-Rule Plays Well in West Bank,'' July 10). Perhaps you need a disclaimer similar to the one in our antique car club newsletter:

''Occasionally the reader of this newsletter will find mistakes in spelling and punctuation. Please consider that these mistakes are there for the individuals who look for them. We try to please everyone.''

Merle Kirby Davenport, Iowa

Editor's Note: Apologies to Merle Kirby and our other readers for a spate of recent typographical errors. For several months, the Monitor has been converting to a more advanced computer system. The new computers are far more versatile - but also more complex. Those mysterious 1's, for example, were invisible on editors' screens, but still appeared in print.

Changes in the computer software now have apparently solved that problem. But others remain. We appreciate our readers' patience as we convert the last two major departments, Economy and the Editorial Page, as well as the Boston-based reporters during the next few months.

Control in the classroom

The front-page article ''Southern Schools Rethink Sparing the Rod,'' June 21, was disappointing. To think that a child must fear school is appalling.Having recently graduated from high school with plans to become a teacher, I realize the importance of maintaining control in the classroom. The way to do it is to hold the interest of your students, so that they will learn and not feel they must entertain their peers.

When children are ''walloped 20 times on the backside as classmates watch'' it creates a violent and fearful environment. If school turns into a threatening place, children will not want to be there. Counseling and parent intervention are desperately needed.

Amy Hall Idaho Falls, Idaho

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