East Coast Grill Masala

August 18, 1994


`Known at the East Coast Grill as our own special masala, this mixture is the base seasoning for many of the dishes that we cook.

I particularly like to use it on things that fly or swim.'

1/4 cup ground cumin

1/4 cup prepared curry powder

1/4 cup chili powder

2 tablespoons ground allspice

2 tablespoons cayenne pepper

2 tablespoons salt

2 tablespoons freshly cracked black pepper

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

Mix ingredients together well. Rub over entire surface of food, using a bit of pressure to make sure a good layer adheres to food. (Rub may turn dark brown during cooking.)

Covered and stored in a cool, dark place, this rub will keep for 6 weeks. Makes about 1-1/4 cups.