January 18, 1994

* The 10 top winners of the 1993 Innovations in State and Local Government Awards represent nearly all regions of the United States. Meryl Libbey, associate director of the awards program, says ``six of the 10 winners relied on technology that didn't exist 10 years ago.'' That, she says, is evidence that ``government is not as hidebound as you might think.''

Info/California, State of California: Computer-equipped kiosks in public places provide 24-hour access to information about government services.

Telecommuting Program, Los Angeles County, Calif.: County employees work from home using personal computers, cutting costs and boosting productivity.

Computer Learning Centers, Lansing, Mich.: Children in public housing use computers to sharpen academic skills, helping to improve school performance.

Central Park East Secondary School, New York City Board of Education: At-risk youth succeed in this ``reinvented'' inner-city public high school.

Government Action on Urban Land, Cuyahoga County, Ohio: Streamlined foreclosures on abandoned property and an urban land bank help revitalize Cleveland neighborhoods.

Vendor Information Program, State of Oregon: A fully automated public-purchasing system has changed the state's procurement process, saving $17 million.

Police Homeowners Loan Program, Columbia, S.C.: Financial incentives encourage officers to buy homes in the inner-city neighborhoods they patrol.

Child Care Management Services, State of Texas: A one-stop shop ensures parents maximum choice in selecting the best day care for their children.

Community Voice Mail for Phoneless/Homeless Persons, Seattle, Wash.: Modern telephone technology helps homeless persons stay in contact with potential employers.

Low-Income Assisted Mortgage Program (LAMP), State of West Virginia: LAMP, housing groups, and lenders cooperate to help low-income families buy homes.

Information about these programs can be obtained from: Innovations in State and Local Government, A. Alfred Taubman Center, John F. Kennedy School of Government

79 John F. Kennedy Street

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 495-0558.