December 16, 1993

The promises

In his campaign book, ``Putting People First,'' Bill Clinton said: ``It's long past time to clean up Washington. The last twelve years were nothing less than an extended hunting season for high-priced lobbyists and Washington influence peddlers.'' To end ``this betrayal of democracy,'' he pledged:

* ``We will require all top appointees to sign a pledge that ... they will refrain from lobbying government agencies within their responsibilities for five years after leaving office. We will require senior officials to pledge never to become registered agents on behalf of any foreign government.'' (The law at the time was a one-year ban on lobbying.)

* ``We will push for and sign legislation to toughen and streamline lobbying disclosure.''

* ``We will ask Congress to eliminate the tax deductions for special-interest lobbying expenses.''

* ``We will push for and sign strong campaign-finance legislation....''

The record

* On Dec. 9, the transition team announced that former top officials would be banned from general lobbying for five years; there would also be a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign interests.

* The tax deduction for some lobbying expenses was eliminated as part of the budget signed by President Clinton in August. The administration supports a lobbyist-disclosure bill now in Congress.

* The administration supports a Democratic campaign-finance reform bill. Critics say it doesn't go far enough.

* Attorney General nominee Zoe Baird was forced to withdraw on Jan. 21 after it had been disclosed that she had hired undocumented workers. Another possible nominee, Kimba Wood, was forced to withdraw for similar reasons.

* The White House travel office staff was fired on May 19 and publicly accused of financial improprieties; later the White House had to retract the charges against 5 of the 7 workers.

* Federal prosecutors are investigating possible connections between the Clintons and possible fraud involving a bankrupt savings and loan in Arkansas. The charges were made public in late October.