August 9, 1993

Over five years, the plan is expected to raise taxes a net $241 billion and restrain spending growth by $255 billion. Key provisions include:

* Retroactive income tax increases beginning Jan. 1, 1993. A new top rate of 36 percent on taxable income over $115,000 for single people and $140,000 for couples.

* An Earned Income Tax Credit to be phased in beginning Jan. 1, reducing the federal tax burden on families earning up to $27,002.

* Married Social Security beneficiaries with incomes over $44,000 and single beneficiaries over $34,000 will pay taxes on 85 percent of their benefits.

* Tax incentives for business, including an increase in the deduction small business can claim for equipment purchases and a cut in the capital gains tax for people who make long-term stock investments in new small and medium-sized businesses

* A 4.3 cents-per-gallon increase in taxes on all transportation fuels.

* Increases the top rate to 35 percent for corporations with taxable income over $10 million per year. Ends deduction for lobbying federal or state legislation.

* New tax incentives to promote investment in depressed urban and rural areas known as empowerment zones.

* Cuts in Medicaid and Medicare spending to be achieved by reducing payments to hospitals and physicians.