March 10, 1993


The Federal Bureau of Investigation probe of the World Trade Center bombing is said to be zeroing in on links between Mohammed Salameh, the Palestinian suspect, and El Sayyid Nosair, who is in jail on charges related to the murder of radical Rabbi Meir Kahane. Ties between the two men emerged after it was reported last week that Ibrahim Elgabrowny, an Egyptian immigrant who was also arrested in connection with the bombing, is Nosair's cousin. All three men are said to be followers of Sheikh Omar Abdel Ra hman, a fundamentalist cleric living in the United States. In Egypt, 43 Muslim extremists charged with attacking foreign tourists proclaimed March 9 that the sheikh is their leader. Reno hearings begin

Miami prosecutor Janet Reno pledged at her confirmation hearing March 9 that if confirmed as the nation's first woman attorney general, her top priorities would be "attacking violent crime, drug trafficking, and public corruption." Ms. Reno was the only scheduled witness and the Senate Judiciary Committee was expected to act swiftly to ratify her nomination. House delegates may vote

Delegates from US territories and the District of Columbia may vote on the floor of the House of Representatives as long as their votes do not affect the outcome of legislation, US District Judge Harold Greene ruled March 8. Republicans had charged that allowing the delegates to vote would be unconstitutional. Tanks move into Waco

The FBI moved Abrams tanks and Bradley armored personnel carriers into place as the Waco, Texas, standoff continued. David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidian cult, has boasted of having powerful explosives and declared, "We are ready for war." Italian probe widens

Police said March 9 they had arrested the chairman and another top official of Italy's state energy conglomerate as part of a nationwide probe into corruption. Word of the arrests at ENI, Italy's third largest employer, sent share prices plunging on the Milan stock exchange. Arab-Israeli violence

In the latest outbreak of violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinians have killed the fourth Israeli in a week and Jewish settlers, returning from the funeral, shot and killed an Arab. In response to the shooting, Israel's army chief warned Jewish settlers on March 9 not to take the law into their own hands. Aid for eastern Bosnia

As the fighting which has devastated eastern Bosnia roared to a new intensity, relief officials planned March 9 to evacuate sick and wounded Muslim refugees from the northeastern city of Tuzla. UN officials also said that they would try to get relief supplies into Srebrenica, another besieged town.