Director, Central Intelligence Agency

December 24, 1992


* Born: Tulsa, Okla., Sept. 21, 1947.

* Education: BA, Stanford University, 1963; MA (Rhodes Scholar), Oxford University, 1965; LLB, Yale University, 1968.

* Military service: US Army, 1968-70.

* Career: Program analyst, office of Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, 1968-70; staff member, National Security Council, 1970; general counsel, US Senate Armed Services Committee, 1970-73; adviser, US delegation to SALT talks, 1969-70; associate, Shea & Gardner, Washington, 1973-77; undersecretary of the Navy, 1977-79; partner, Shea & Gardner, 1979-89; US ambassador to talks on conventional armed forces in Europe, 1989-91.

* Personal: Married to Suzanne Haley; three children.

* Assessment: Like Christopher and Lake, Woolsey is a member of the Democratic foreign policy establishment who has been recalled to public service. He will have to continue the difficult task started by current CIA director Robert Gates: redirecting the agency's resources for post-cold-war challenges.