Secretary of State

December 24, 1992


* Born: Scranton, N.D., Oct. 27, 1925.

* Education: BS, University of Southern California, 1945; LLB, Stanford University, 1949.

* Military Service: Lieutenant (j.g.), US Naval Reserve, 1943-46.

* Career: Law clerk, US Supreme Court Justice William Douglas, 1949-50; lawyer, O'Melveny & Myers, Los Angeles, 1950-67; deputy US attorney general, 1967-69; partner, O'Melveny & Myers, 1969-76; deputy secretary of state, 1977-81; partner, O'Melveny & Myers, 1981 to present; chairman, Independent Commission on L.A. Police Department, 1991; director of Clinton's vice-presidential search committee and transition team, 1992.

* Personal: Married to Marie Josephine Wyllis; four children.

* Assessment: Christopher is valued by Clinton for his behind-the-scenes effectiveness, trustworthiness, and negotiating skills. He has extensive experience in foreign policy, but is not known as a conceptual thinker in the field.