September 29, 1992

Nationwide, statistics indicate the continued high level of drug and alcohol use in society. Should the next president consider a two-pronged policy: addressing the root causes of drug use in treatment, and continuing to pursue and prosecute the drug growers and distributors? President Bush and Gov. Bill Clinton have differing approaches to the problem. Bush

Stated in 1990 that drug abuse is "this nation's No. 1 concern." Has increased federal funds used to combat drugs from $9 billion in 1990 to almost $12 billion in 1992. Most of the money goes to interdiction in foreign countries and to law enforcement, such as drug sweeps and longer prison sentences in the United States. About 32 percent of this year's drug-control budget goes to drug treatment and education.

In 1990, called for a national drug-intelligence center to "consolidate and coordinate relevant law-enforcement information related to drug trafficking," but has not mentioned it since. He also wants an expansion of the death penalty to include major drug traffickers.

To address drug saturation in the inner cities, he implemented a "weed and seed" program designed to increase community-oriented policing in a number of cities. The program includes social programs "to develop positive community attitudes." Clinton

To combat street drugs, he proposes a new National Police Corps of 100,000, with an emphasis on community policing and federal incentives to put officers on foot patrols.

Wants to give communities federal funds to help provide treatment for those who want it. In particular, he calls for giving children early access to drug education, counseling, and outreach programs.

He proposes disciplinary boot camps for nonviolent first-time drug offenders "to reach these kids before they are so far gone they can't be recovered." Also advocates that public-housing residents organize themselves to rid neighborhoods of drugs and weapons.

Clinton has yet to put a price tag on any of the above programs.