July 7, 1992

Bill Clinton is brushing off questions about whether US Rep. Lee Hamilton's chances for becoming his running mate are hurt by the Indiana congressman's opposition to a parental leave law.

"I haven`t discussed this vice president thing so far and I don't intend to start today," Mr. Clinton said Sunday as he left church services.

Earlier in the day, Mr. Hamilton reiterated his opposition to a measure that would force employers to provide time off for the birth of a child or a family sickness.

Clinton's support for family leave has been a major part of the Democratic presidential candidate's campaign.

"You know where I stand on family leave," Clinton said, when asked about Hamilton's comments. "We're a little out of step with the rest of the advanced world with that."

Hamilton and Clinton are on opposite sides, as well, on the abortion restrictions included in the Pennsylvania law upheld last week by the Supreme Court. Hamilton supports the restrictions; Clinton opposes them.

Clinton, who spent the weekend off the campaign trail, is expected to announce his running mate later this week.

Others said to be under consideration include Tennessee Sen. Al Gore, Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey and Sen. Harris Wofford of Pennsylvania.