Man-in-the-Street Views MANCHESTER, N.H.

February 13, 1992

POLLSTERS and pundits offer a stream of opinions about the seven major candidates running in next week's New Hampshire presidential primary.

But what do the voters think of them?

To find out, the Monitor asked more than a dozen people in Manchester, Concord, and Nashua to give capsule descriptions of each of the candidates. Here are some of their answers: Democrats

BILL CLINTON: Well-educated. Pre-packaged. Lacks creativity. Strong leader. Could give Bush a hard time. Attractive. Treated unfairly by the media. Best one for November.

PAUL TSONGAS: Great ability. Excellent track record. Straight arrow. Boring on TV; interesting in person. Right for the job. The only one who doesn't need it. Truthful. A person of character. Honest.

BOB KERREY: Very sincere. Wants the job very much. National health care. Johnny One Note. Devotion to country. Cautious. A person I could respect. Alternative to Clinton.

JERRY BROWN: Hollywood. Opportunist. Not very believable. Confused. Couldn't beat Bush. Saying what needs to be said. Right on the issues, so he'll lose.

TOM HARKIN: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Iowa. Tin horn. Hornswoggler. Intelligent. Not ready for prime time. Good for his local area. Shrill. Republicans

GEORGE BUSH: A winner. Strong. Does whatever is expedient. Pragmatist. Supports the ultra-rich. CIA. The next president. Where has he been?

PATRICK BUCHANAN: Strong. A real character. Negative campaigning. Courage. Stands by his convictions. What America needs. Scaring the president.