World Leaders Need Global Experience and Outlook

January 24, 1991

The opinion-page column ``Washington at the Global Frontier,'' Dec. 19, points out that big cities such as Washington are now ``world cities'' and need to grow into that role in several ways. The same applies to the leaders of the major nations, since they exert so much power beyond their own borders. Many of these leaders have never worked in a third-world country, and some cannot speak another language. The same provincialism may be seen in their personal staffs.

We should seek candidates for high public office who have worked in another country for several years apart from embassies and military forces. Such experience is more important for a world view than hasty trips abroad with one eye on a coming election.

The present crisis in the Persian Gulf shows the heavy cost of the opposing leaders' glaring ignorance about the other's culture and society.

Theodore Herman, Cornwall, Pa.

A bill of rights for Britain The article ``Lawyers Urge Britain to Pass Bill of Rights,'' Dec. 19, omits a crucial focus upon the invisible rationale which has hindered, if not obstructed thus far, the adoption of a written bill of rights in Britain.

Citizens' rights in Britain are protected, albeit more restrictively, through parliamentary legislation and common-law precedent.

However, the reluctance to countenance a more expansive judicial review relates to the jealous enterprise of arrogating power and indulging the fear that it might be exercised by the courts.

Yet there must be a lever which can be utilized to adjust the inherent friction, and at times clash of interest, between the will of a legislative elite (Parliament) and the respective interests, demands, and pressures of either the individual or majoritarian will.

There is much to admire - and even envy politically - about the British parliamentary system compared with the US national tripartite governmental regime.

Still, intrusions relating to civil and human rights in Britain would be diminished, and national embarrassment concerning matters which have been referred to the European court might have been averted if a written constitution and foreseeable adjudication when required were adopted in Britain.

Elliott A. Cohen, New York

Nonsexist goodwill toward all The fine article ``Meeting Soviet Citizens' Spiritual Needs,'' Dec. 24, ends by saying ``Soviet citizens may find hope as they hear and experience, many for the first time, the words ... `Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.'''

This is Christianity's most moving message.

Yet newly heard, what a mixed message it will be for the millions of Soviet people who are not ``men.''

J. Burchell, Mount Kisco, New York