November 13, 1989

MAPPING OUR GENES: GENOME PROJECTS - HOW BIG, HOW FAST? (Washington, D.C., Office of Technology Assessment, April 1988. $10. GPO No. 052-003-011-06-9. , Available from the Government, Printing Office in Washington or at regional outlets.)

MAPPING AND SEQUENCING THE HUMAN GENOME (Washington, D.C., National, Academy Press, April 1988. $14.95.), Leroy Hood is a member of the National Research Council committee that helped write this report analyzing and recommending the creation of a human genome mapping project.

THE HUMAN GENOME INITIATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (Springfield, Va., National Technical, Information Service, 1988. $13.95.,

Order No. DOE/ER-0382.)

THE GENE HUNT by Leon Jaroff. (Time magazine, March 20, 1989, p. 62.)

Includes historical background and scientists' prospects for human genome mapping project.

THE GENOME PROJECT by Robert Kanigel. (The New York Times Magazine, Dec. 13, 1987, p. 44.)

More background for the lay reader; this was written before the government committed itself to the genome project.