Never Separated From Love

October 23, 1989

SOMETIMES people feel shut out or lonely when they see love being expressed to others. But this need not be so. Love isn't something a few have and the rest of us long for; the origin of love is God. In fact, as the Bible says, ``God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.''1 Can the sun give warmth to certain sunbeams while neglecting others? Impossible! Likewise, all of God's children, made in His spiritual likeness, are loved by God. None of His creation can ever be outside His love. As we understand our spiritual relation to God, there will be no room for our feeling separated from Love.

The Bible gives many examples of the power of God's love. His care, for example, prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac, showed Hagar water in the desert, protected Daniel from lions. As in Biblical times, this love is present to guide, sustain, and shield us when we humbly turn to our creator.

We can be sure that God's love is always present, for we have the example of Christ Jesus, who never doubted that Love's all-embracing power would meet our human needs. He assured us, ``Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.''2

Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, learned from experience divine Love's comforting nearness. She asks in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: ``Would existence without personal friends be to you a blank? Then the time will come when you will be solitary, left without sympathy; but this seeming vacuum is already filled with divine Love.''3 If we're separated from loved ones, whatever the reason, we need feel no bitterness or sorrow. Instead we can know that ``this seeming vacuum is already filled with divine Love.''

To outline whom we want to love and who should love us is limiting and selfish. When we relinquish the limitations of such thinking, our daily life will be enriched. We will find ways we could never have foreseen to express and receive love. No one is too young or old, too poor or rich, too great or shy, to express love.

When we love our fellowman without prejudice, as God loves us, small incidents can enrich our lives and prove that Love is everywhere. We can't be separated from it!

Once in the Middle East I was walking at the outskirts of a small town when some small boys who were playing nearby stopped and came running toward me. I knew a few words in their own tongue; my pronunciation made them giggle. Smiling and chatting, they accompanied me. I felt a strong bond of love with these youngsters and knew we would be guided by the same Father-Mother God to express this love in tangible ways.

A shop was close by and I entered. They didn't follow but waited outside. After making my purchase I asked the owner to use the change for sweets and to give them to my young friends while I was having a soft drink. I saw them smiling and running away. I lingered on. As I left, the children stood again outside. Smiling broadly, they lifted their arms high to give me some wildflowers.

Divine Love waits to bless us wherever we are. Everyone can experience the truth that when we dwell in God it is impossible to be separated from His love.

1I John 4:16. 2Matthew 5:4. 3Science and Health, p. 266.