Support for the Monitor. Editor's note: Many readers have responded with support and concern about recent staff changes at the Monitor. We are pleased to share a sampling of these letters.

December 28, 1988

Please do not water down the Monitor's valuable monitoring of the world. In this part of the country it is the only effective window through which I can learn about and understand what is happening on my favorite planet. Perry White, Moore, Okla.

Television and radio will never be able to provide what the daily newspaper provides to the public. My husband and I work long hours, getting up early and home late, so it isn't always possible for us to tune in to MonitoRadio. Since we live in an area that hasn't yet been supplied with cable television, we aren't able to watch the TV program ``World Monitor.'' But we do have a mailbox, and we know that the daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor, will always be available to us when we are ready to read it.

Unlike television and radio, the newspaper is able to go in depth with stories and provide more than quick superficial bits of information. The newspaper allows its readers the opportunity to go back and reread a point that seems particularly interesting. And the newspaper fits into my schedule, I don't have to fit into its schedule. Karen Terrell, Bow, Wash.

I am disappointed that the Monitor has not given its readers more information about the recent editorial staff changes other than its official statement, ``To our readers,'' on the Nov. 16 editorial page. It was not until I read the news in another publication that I learned of the disagreements that led to the resignation of the former editor, Katherine W. Fanning. She has been an invaluable asset to the Monitor, leading its marked editorial improvement since she became editor.

It is unfortunate that the Monitor cannot report on itself in as fine and unbiased a manner as it does on the daily news. I hope that Ms. Fanning's departure does not signal a wavering in the Monitor's drive to be a world-class newspaper. Jeffrey Freas, Evanston, Ill.

I am concerned by published accounts of recent events at the Monitor that this valuable teaching resource is in jeopardy. The Monitor is a national educational treasure. I know every effort will be made to maintain the high standards of world coverage that the paper, almost uniquely among American dailies, has set. I wish you every success in that effort. David Speak, Statesboro, Ga., Associate Professor of Political Science Georgia Southern College

Reports about the troubles at the Monitor have really frightened me. I feel as sad as if my closest friend was dying. Although I have not been a subscriber until the last few years, I have been reading the Monitor in libraries and reading rooms for years; it has become one of the only truly reliable sources of truth in this world of ``Teflon presidents,'' TV preachers, and inside traders. Five days a week the Monitor came to my door and gave me the feeling that here was something that could be counted on not to deceive me. Douglas Overland, Minneapolis

The world needs the Monitor as never before. It gives the news against a background of history and brings a thoughtful perspective to the analysis of current events. This approach encourages thinking on the part of readers. Deeper understanding of the significance of what's happening on the world scene is a must. Carol C. Lindsey, Boston

I would hope you would regard continuation of the unabridged Monitor as a virtual public trust on behalf of Americans seeking a reliable, unbiased, and informed source of information on and insight into national and world events. John Douglas Irvine, Hamden, Conn.

I've learned so much through the Monitor. My files are full of treasured Monitor articles, ready for reference when I am writing or thinking about diverse topics. There's a permanence to the printed word which undergirds continuity in the human endeavor. So here are best wishes for your future. I know that things have to change from time to time, but I hope that the essential spirit of the Monitor will survive in a way that continues to nourish the souls of readers like me. Alice Skinner, St. George, Maine

The ministry for good that the Monitor provides far exceeds its dollar value. Indeed, we would even suggest that the Monitor is a force for stability, understanding, and peace in our chaotic world. Don and Kay Weaver, Greencastle, Ind.

Through the Monitor's good offices I've been kept informed of what is going on all over the world in terms of people. Wars and famines are not just statistics, they are human events, happening to families and children. And always there are the heartening reports of the positive efforts, often made on a small scale by thoughtful and good-hearted people, to bring about change and healing. The Monitor occupies a unique position in American publishing. No other daily paper offers readers such in-depth news analysis, especially of international issues. Benjamin Benford, Tuskegee, Ala.