International cooperation in science

December 13, 1988

Rushworth M. Kidder's column ``Which way for scientific progress: big projects or diverse efforts?,'' Nov.21, reveals a myopically nationalistic view of scientific progress. Scientific endeavor should be a cooperative effort, not a competitive one.

Dyson's Dilemma of whether to concentrate on big projects or diverse efforts could be avoided by inviting scientists from many countries to work collaboratively on projects such as the space program and the supercollider.

The respective nations would share the funding, and the tremendous expense of redundant and competitive projects would be eliminated, freeing money for other deserving projects. Barbara Richardson Rutland, Mass.

Buffeting bigotry Regarding the article ``Chief of staff (to be) brings controversy,'' Nov. 18: The subhead, ``Sununu choice worries Jewish Americans,'' worries me.

If this article were reversed to reflect worries over Jewish appointments, accusations of bigotry and anti-Semitism would pour in.

Why is the anti-Arab racism expressed by the conservative pro-Israeli wing of the Jewish community acceptable when equivalent remarks about blacks, Japanese, and Jews would never be tolerated?

The Monitor has an obligation to recognize and identify bigotry, racism, and animosity regardless of its source and eradicate it from the structuring and composition of news reporting. James Toth Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Computer concerts Regarding the article ``Machines behind the music: Is high-tech high art?, Nov. 22: Bravo for the music that is more and more produced by machines.

If any of these groups that are largely machines come to town, I will be too busy trying to help my daughters learn violin and piano and trying to learn to play guitar myself to attend, but I will recommend the concerts to every computer I know. Jon Remmerde Bend, Ore.

Geography, please I wish to thank John Hughes for his column ``O, Canada,'' Nov. 25, which comments on Americans' lack of knowledge about Canada.

I am Canadian-born and have lived in the United States since 1962. I have dual citizenship and admire much about the United States, but I feel that Americans generally have very little knowledge of other countries.

I wondered about this until, when my daughter began school, I discovered she was not being taught geography or world history. Amazing! Patricia McInnis Tucson, Ariz. -34-{et