Cones from cans

May 11, 1988

DIAN THOMAS of the ``Today Show'' is known for her easy cooking ideas without using a stove or the usual appliances. An ice cream recipe that has appeal for adults as well as children requires rolling the ingredients back and forth on the floor or another flat surface while it chills in a three-pound tin can.

Adults need to test the recipe first, of course, but they can have as much fun doing it as the youngsters.

Other than the food ingredients, you will need a clean used three-pound tin can with plastic lid, a one-pound can with plastic lid, crushed ice, and rock salt.

Tin Can Ice Cream 1 cup milk 1 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Nuts or fruit as desired Crushed ice Rock salt

Put all ingredients except ice and rock salt in a clean 1-pound coffee can and seal it with a tight-fitting plastic lid.

Place can with ingredients inside 3-pound can. Pack larger can with crushed ice around smaller can. Pour at least 3/4 cup rock salt evenly over ice. Place lid on larger can.

Roll back and forth on a flat surface such as a table, floor, or cement slab for 10 minutes.

Open outer can. Remove inner can with ingredients.

Remove lid of smaller can and stir up mixture by scraping sides of can with a rubber spatula. Replace the lid.

Drain ice water from larger can. Insert smaller can again. Pack with more ice and salt. Seal.

Roll back and forth 5 minutes more.

Makes about 3 cups soft ice cream.