Stop throwing dollars

December 15, 1987

The article ``Private efforts to feed the hungry suffer from `donor fatigue,''' Nov. 24, was unfortunately very true. People are tired of giving and giving and giving, and never seeing an end to the line of hungry, poor, and homeless. The line merely grows longer. Obviously the private sector cannot be expected to carry such a disproportionate share of this load. The US government must place the well-being of the people at the top of the priority list. But handouts from the government, even if they were bountiful, are still not the answer to chronic hunger, poverty, and homelessness.

A combined effort from government and the private sector is required to provide opportunities for the poor to lift themselves out of their poverty rather than forever being mired within it.

We cannot turn our backs on this problem, because the well-being - or lack of well-being - of the poor affects the well-being of all. Leadership must deal with it effectively, not just throw money and relief aid at the situation. Gail Neumann Miami

The article ``Finding $2.6 billion in domestic trims,'' Nov. 24, stated that to help cut the federal deficit $350 million would be trimmed from programs aiding school-age children. This amount is only a little more than the $270 million that President Reagan is trying to get Congress to send the contras fighting in Nicaragua. Somehow, there's always plenty of money around for the contras - if Congress can only be persuaded to write the check.

I propose that the $270 million that President Reagan has put away for the contras be used instead for school programs. That would cut only $80 million from these programs.

It's time for President Reagan to tell his contra friends, ``I'd love to help you guys, but we just don't have enough money. And the children come first.'' Paul Shannon Somerville, Mass.

Skeletons or policy? The editorial ``The scurrying candidates,'' Nov. 27, stated that voters will find it easy to learn about the views of the 1988 presidential candidates. But will voters be informed on the relevant issues these men believe in?

It seems most people pay attention only when the media find a skeleton in the closet of one of the candidates. I wonder how many people will care about the candidates' ideas for the United States.

It is sad when people would rather hear something sensational and degrading about a candidate than hear his views on nuclear disarmament, foreign relations, or the budget deficit. Pam Gruber Eau Claire, Wis.