`Secrecy vs. democracy'

November 19, 1987

Our compliments to Arthur Unger for clearly seeing and describing Bill Moyers's television program ``The Secret Government - The Constitution in Crisis'' as ``...not a cool, disinterested study of a quirk in the democratic process. It is, rather, a passionate, vigorous attack on the abuse of power which Mr. Moyers sees threatening American democracy'' [``Secrecy vs. democracy,'' Nov. 3]. Abuse of power, whether practiced by generations of presidents, legislators, mayors, or policemen, requires our constant vigilance.

The strength of our democracy is that the people, truthfully informed, are secure in their residual power to abandon such elected officials and their appointees; like warts dissolved, the body politic is cleansed and made healthier.

The danger is that we permit career-oriented media personalities to rake us with fear; the shame is that Moyers is the best we have produced to continue the spirit and conscience of Edward R. Murrow. George Barbary Dallas

In my opinion, Bill Moyers's television program lived up to Arthur Unger's review. Moyers raised and explored a most important issue: Can secrecy in government be compatible with democracy? Or can a democracy conduct secret wars to ensure the security of its citizens - all for national security? Gerald Kincaid Tucker, Ga.

Tarnished unions I am writing in regard to the article ``Labor tries to brush up its image, but with Teamsters back in fold, it will be tough,'' Oct. 30.

As I see it, the unions are fighting for survival. The AFL-CIO/Teamsters get-together is not a reunion, but a consolidation of forces, a need to strengthen the front line.

Management is finally realizing where its greatest assets lie: in people. Employees are finally getting treated the way they should be, without union assistance. Thank goodness the 12-hour-a-day, seven-day workweek is in the past. After playing such an important part in American history, our tarnished unions may soon be history, too. Gene D. Kalligher Eau Claire, Wis.

Memory banks What a delightful article, ``Sugar and spice and everything nice,'' by Thomas V. DiBacco, Nov. 3. He tenderly wrote of his reliance on a ``bank of memories.''

It seems to me that life is a ``bank'' of memories where deposits can be made at any time in a ``ready reserve'' account. And - it gives wonderful interest! Patty Trick Santa Maria, Calif.