Crossing borders:a glance at S. Africa's record

December 23, 1985

South Africa's involvement in the affairs of its neighbors became the focus of two agreements reached in early 1984: The Lusaka agreement. Between South Africa and Angola, signed Feb. 16, 1984. Agreement committed South Africa to withdraw all of its troops from Angola in return for the exclusion by the Angolan government of guerrillas fighting for Namibian independences from evacuated Angola territory. Terms of the accord unfulfilled until April 17, 1985, when South Africa announced the actual withdrawal of its troops.

The Nkomati accord. Between South Africa and Mozambique, signed March 16, 1984. Each nation agreed to withhold support from each other's rebels.

Despite the terms of both pacts, South Africa has continued to become involved beyond its borders:

May 23, 1985. South Africa admits its troops infiltrated into northern Angola. Captured South African commando said object of raid was to mine oil installation in Cabinda, the administrative enclave on Angola's northern corner.

June 14. South African troops raid Botswana in a strike against alleged African National Congress activists. Pretoria asserts that the outlawed ANC was using the country as a jumping-off point for raids into South Africa.

June 29. South African troops are again in Angola, this time in pursuit of Namibian guerrillas.

September-December. South Africa issues warns it might send troops into Zimbabwe in pursuit of black guerrillas.

Dec. 19. South African troops are reported deep inside Angola in pursuit of Namibian nationalist guerrillas.

Dec. 20. Nine South African political refugees are shot dead in the Lesotho capital of Maseru. The government says the killers were South African commandos; South Africa denies it.