Now in Paper

September 6, 1985

Walker Evans at Work, (Harper & Row/Colophon, $15.95). If there is a better documentary photographer than Walker Evans, I've never seen his or her work. This volume assembles letters, interviews, notes, and other documents in addition to over 700 of Evans's photos. An exceptional resource and a penetrating look at how a photographer works. Ideas and Opinions, by Albert Einstein (Crown, $6.95), collects the popular writing of this eminent scientist. Included are essays on minorities, education, Jewish ideals, atomic war, cultural decay, human rights, pacifism, and, of course, relativity. There are 123 pieces, most of them short and to the point.

Christina Alberta's Father and Mr. Britling Sees it Through, by H. G. Wells (Hogarth Press, $6.95 each). Wells is usually remembered only for such science-fiction classics as ``The Time Machine'' and ``The War of the Worlds.'' But he also wrote exceptionally deft novels about social institutions and social politics, novels that were frequently quite autobiographical as well. ``Mr. Britling'' (1916) is the much better of the two books; Christopher Priest's introductions help put Wells's work in context.

Hitler's Spies, by David Kahn (Collier Books, $14.95), is for those ``Eye of the Needle'' types who would like to add a historical dimension to their appreciation of thrillers. Kahn goes into great depth about German military intelligence in World War II, and much of it is fascinating, though only the serious military buff will read it cover to cover.

Rolling Nowhere, by Ted Conover (Penguin, $5.95), is the story of a young man just out of (Amherst) college doing a very 1930s sort of thing: riding the rails, living with hobos. Conover's prose is first-person and simple, and the moments of self-discovery many. You might imagine a book such as this to be an exercise in slumming, but it is far from that. Impressive and absorbing.

From Here to Eternity, The Thin Red Line, and Whistle, by James Jones (Dell/Laurel, $5.95 each), together make up a trilogy of novels about what Studs Terkel called ``the last good war.'' The war doesn't seem so good in these novels, of course, but the writing is strong, though it seems a bit dated. The first of the novels won a National Book Award, and it is far and away the best of the trio.

Japanese Pilgrimage, by Oliver Statler (William Morrow/Quill, $9.95), is a graceful and reverent account of the author's 1,000-mile walk around the island of Shikoku, off the Japanese mainland, which he undertook to visit all the shrines of the Buddhist master, Kobo Diashi. There are many black-and-white illustrations, and sufficient maps.

The Umpire's Handbook, by Joe Brinkman and Charlie Euchner (the Stephen Greene Press, $9.95). Ever wonder how umpires always seem to be in the right place to make a call? Or what the rules are? And what about the tough plays to call? This book, written by one of the best umpires in the major leagues (Brinkman), discloses the above and much more. Baseball fans will find it good and informative reading.