Attack tactics win best-game prize for Californian in National Open

May 15, 1985

This year's National Open in Las Vegas, Nev., again smashed all records, with a turnout of 654 players. The 210-player championship section produced a five-way tie for first, with Grandmaster Dmitry Gurevich of Brooklyn, N.Y., awarded the trophy on the basis of tie-breaking points. Equaling the winner's score of 51/2 out of 6 games were GM Yehuda Gruenfeld of Israel, International Masters Igor Ivanov of Canada and Kamran Shirazi of Beverly Hills, Calif., and US Senior Master Kevin Burnett of Huntington Beach, Calif. Each of the five earned $1,260. In the 444-player reserve section, Donald Wilson of Madera, Calif., won with a perfect 6-0 score. The National Open was cosponsored by the US Chess Federation and RAE Products & Chemical Corporation of Chicago, but major credit for its success must go to chief organizer Fred Gruenberg, who expects a fourth consecutive record-breaker next year.

Though he finished behind the top winners on points, the honor of best-game prize went to Jimmy Lakdawala of San Diego for the following imaginative attacking effort, against Rick Dyberg. Dutch Defense Dyberg Lakdawala Dyberg Lakdawala

1. N-KB3 P-KB4 (a)

2. P-QN3 N-KB3

3. B-N2 P-K3

4. P-K3 (b) B-K2

5. P-Q4 O-O

6. QN-Q2 P-Q3

7. P-B4 QN-Q2

8. R-B1 Q-K1

9. B-Q3 Q-N3 10. O-O N-K5 11. Q-K2 N(Q)-B3 12. B-N1 B-Q2 13. N-K1 B-B3 14. N(Q)-B3 QR-K1 15. N-Q3 B-Q1 16. N-B4 Q-R3 17. N-Q3 N-N5 (c) 18. P-KR3 N(N)-B3 19. KR-Q1 P-KN4 20. N-R2 R-B2 21. N-QN4 B-Q2 22. P-Q5 P-K4 23. N-Q3 R-N2 24. P-B3 N-N6 25. Q-K1 P-N5 (d) 26. RPxP PxP 27. P-B4 (e) N(N)-K5 28. PxP P-N6 29. N-B3 B-N5 30. R-B2 R-N4 31. N-B4 PxP 32. N-R3 BxN(B) 33. PxB QxN 34. R-N2 N-B7 (f) 35. K-B1 Q-R8 ch 36. R-N1 QxP 37. Q-K2 P-N7 ch 38. K-K1 QxQ ch 39. KxQ NxR 40. KxN P-KR4 41. B-B1 P-R5 42. P-K4 R-N2 43. B-R6 R-N3 44. Resigns

A. Immediately signifying his aggressive intentions.

B. OK, but there is much to be said for 4. P-N3 and 5. B-N2, when the KB will provide excellent defense for White should he castle K-side.

C. After much patient maneuvering for both sides, Black begins his K-side attack. The text forces a K-side weakness, as Black threatens 18. . . . N-B6, 19. . . . BxN, and 20. . . . QxP mate.

D. Very well played. Now 26. QxN, PxRP; 27. Q-K1, RxP ch; 28. K-R1, Q-N3 (threatening 29. . . . RxN ch and 32. . . . Q-N7 mate); 29. R-Q2, N-R4; 30. N-B1, K-B2; 31. R(B)-B2, R-N1; 32. BxP (other moves are equally unavailing), RxR. However White recaptures the rook, Black mates on either N7 or N8.

E. This offers no effective resistance. He should now try 27. QxN. Black would maintain the initiative, but play would remain very complicated.

F. Here 34. . . . R-R4; 35. K-B1, Q-R8 ch wins more quickly.