Where can we turn?

October 29, 1984

Many, at some time or other, have asked that question when problems loomed large and seemed to defy solution. But there is an answer, one that brings unfailing results.

The Bible tells us that at one point in his mission, when many of his followers had deserted him, Christ Jesus asked the disciples if they too would go away. The Gospel records that Simon Peter answered, ''Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.''n1 Peter's declaration answers for all time the question ''Where can we turn?'' He had witnessed the healing of ills of every nature - of disease, lack, insanity, and even death, and humbly acknowledged his own need of this peerless teaching. ''The words of eternal life ,'' as taught and practiced by the master Christian, clearly show us that the answers we seek can be found only in God.

n1 John 6:68.

Jesus went straight to God in prayer. He understood mankind's need and answered that need in practical ways through his reflection of divine power. Not only did he heal and feed the multitudes, but he saw and met their need for spiritual sustenance, preaching man's relationship to his Father, God, as His beloved offspring, the object of His tender care. Jesus refused to accept as truth the picture of man as a suffering, limited mortal. Instead he discerned the spiritual reality of man as created by God in His own image, subject only to His law of harmony. In turning to our creator in prayer, we can glimpse something of this truth and in so doing find the guidance and healing we need.

Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science, writes, ''It is not well to imagine that Jesus demonstrated the divine power to heal only for a select number or for a limited period of time, since to all mankind and in every hour, divine Love supplies all good.''n2 Nothing is more disheartening than to imagine ourselves helpless victims of circumstances beyond our control. Morbid, self-pitying thoughts will not help us, but correct identification of ourselves as God knows us to be - as His beloved child, always provided with all good - is an invaluable help.

n2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, P. 494.

Man's relationship to his heavenly Father is intact, and will always remain so. God is not here one minute and absent the next. He is omnipresent - present right where the trouble appears to be. He is also omnipotent, the only real power. Through Him we can gain dominion over adverse circumstances. God does not burden His creation with problems; and as we begin, through prayer, to accept and understand this truth, willing to trust God as supreme, we move from doubt to trust and from discouragement to faith. Then the divine law is seen to be always operating, and troubles diminish. Trusting divine Love's will of universal good to govern the situation, we find that the outcome can only be blessing for all concerned. Even if our circumstance seems impossible, there is an answer in Love, and we can begin to find it.

The healing Christ, the divine influence embodied so fully by Jesus, is just as powerful today as it was centuries ago, and just as practical. A hymn puts it this way:

Christ comes again with holy power,

To lift our blinded eyes to see;

The sick are healed, the sinner blest,

As on that eve in Galilee.n3

n3 Christian Science Hymnal, No. 34.

Once, many years ago, the work I was doing was dreary and very monotonous. Although I applied for a transfer (this was government work) I was told emphatically that this was impossible, and that I must resign myself to the situation. Various circumstances were contributing to the misery I was feeling, but I knew there was only one way out. One morning I turned wholeheartedly to God in prayer, knowing that my life was in His hands, and that regardless of appearances He alone was governing. When at last I found myself willing to lay the burden at His feet, leaving the outcome to Him, within a matter of hours I found myself transferred to another city, to a far more congenial and satisfying post, rejoicing in the power of Christ.

We need never despair. There is a way to turn, and that is to divine Love, our Father-Mother God. DAILY BIBLE VERSE The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Psalms 46:7.