How Jackson speech played in US cities

July 19, 1984

In the city where Jesse Jackson won over 30 percent of the vote in the April primary, there is a pride mixed in with some coolness toward the black leader. Comments ranged from an arch ''It was impressive speech, but pure rhetoric,'' by a businessman in midtown, to the excitement of one young Hispanic woman in East Harlem who watched with an ecstatic friend.

''(My friend) thinks Jackson is the best thing since ketchup,'' she said.

Howard Friedman, president of the American Jewish Committee, said in an official statement that the Jackson speech was impressive, and that the apology in the address was appropriate and much needed.

There remain fundamental Jackson stands that many Jews would oppose, however, he says.

State Sen. Leon Bogues (D), whose district includes part of the Upper West Side and Harlem, says Jackson's speech was ''wonderful,'' and that his constituents were very proud.

For youths, especially minorities, who feel turned off and excluded from elections, Jackson provides a role model that may bring them into the process at both the local and national level.

Black leaders in this city make no secret of wanting to oust Mayor Edward I. Koch. And many are hoping that the new interest in politics among minorities that Jackson has inspired will carry over into the mayoral election in 1985.