News In Brief

March 16, 1984

British financial daily plans to print a US edition

The Financial Times, Britain's quality business newspaper, is preparing to take on the Wall Street Journal by launching a US edition. Frank Barlow, new chief executive of the Financial Times, said he expects the paper to begin printing in New Jersey by autumn.

The Financial Times sells 216,000 copies total, 46,000 of them in continental Europe.

''We could sell at least 25,000 and up to 50,000 daily in the States,'' Mr. Barlow said.

In January 1983, the Wall Street Journal, circulation 2.2 million in the United States, started its European edition.

Now on sale at 4,000 European newsstands, the Wall Street Journal has built its circulation to an impressive 23,500 against the 6,000 copies it used to sell in Europe by airmail.