Hurried 'Jenufa'; harried 'Division'; luminous Leontyne; 'Freischutz'

January 26, 1984

A street that straddles eras At last, a show that Yippies and Yuppies can both enjoy! (Yuppies, in case you haven't heard, is the latest baby-boom acronym; it stands for young urban professionals). Those audience members who are neither - may not.

''Division St.,'' playing at the Alley Theatre through Feb. 25, is a wacky, fast-paced look at what happens when an ex-radical, Chris, wants to make a clean break with his past, bury the placards, and start punching the time clock.

An unfortunate incident splashes his face across the newspapers, bringing old cronies out of the woodwork - all crying out for him to re-don the mantle of the movement.

Yuppies will snicker at the paranoia and rigid thinking of that era. Yippies will sympathize with the characters' high ideals and their longing for the heady days of revolution. Playwright Steve Tesich's (screenwriter of ''Breaking Away'') perception of the clash of '60s vs. '80s values is needle-perfect. When Chris confesses he wants a condo, a toaster oven, and ''to drink out of a cup and saucer instead of an earthenware mug that you made yourself,'' the cronies gag in horror.

Tesich gives us seven oddball characters in search of a movement. They sing ''We Shall Overcome'' every chance they get, and get misty over the smell of tear gas. A transsexual cop, a black Polish landlady, and a young man disguised as an old one to avoid women's steamy clutches are among those who derail Chris's carefully built bourgeois plans.

Robert Deveau's production - filled with slamming doors and confused identities - combines the enthusiasm of Andy Hardy films, the frenzy of ''I Love Lucy,'' and the leer of Groucho Marx.

Bob Sacchetti strikes just the right note as the good-hearted, beleaguered Chris. Donna Asali skyrockets with energy as his ex-wife, who speaks only in fragments of pop songs. The irate Serbian restaurant owner, played by Jerem Goodwin, is wonderfully menacing. The rest of the cast, also fine, works well together.

Warning: There is a fair amount of sexual candidness that one would expect in a show dealing with '60s life styles. Other caveats - the weepy nostalgia grows irritating, and there's a lot of unnecessary bellowing. ''Division St.'' ain't art - but it's a lot of fun.