Spiritual intuitions

January 25, 1984

The superhighway was wide open before me. But just as I reached the legal speed I felt impelled to pull over and stop. There was no apparent reason, but I obeyed the intuition.

Then I saw dozens of gray concrete building blocks spread over both lanes of the gray highway. I managed to toss them all off the highway and onto the grass just before a rush of traffic came roaring by.

I knew this spiritual intuition didn't come by chance, and I rejoiced for hours that day as I sailed along the highway, grateful for God's love and protection. It wasn't chance, because I had been praying that morning and listening for God's direction. It has been inspiring ever since to recall that angel message, that God-inspired intuition, which protected me and the other drivers that day.

How can we hear God's ideas more often? How can we hear spiritual intuitions that tell us what we need to know? By mentally standing still and listening in prayer for His voice. By using the inherent spiritual sense we all have from God. By learning to turn to the divine source outside ourselves and trust omnipotent, divine Love.

Is God talking just to certain people? No. He's speaking to every one of us all the time. But we have to listen and obey. And we hear through prayer and by wanting to do God's will.

Actually, man is always hearing and obeying God's voice. As God's perfect image, His spiritual offspring, man is perpetually inspired, guided, and fed by divine ideas from infinite Mind. God's perfect man is always expressing what comes from Deity - all His attributes, including intelligence and wisdom. In truth, all individuals have one Mind, the Mind that is God Himself.

The need is to bring our thinking more into accord with this spiritual fact. Then we'll express more of such qualities as intuition, enlightenment, joy, and purity. Prayer is certainly vital in this respect. But we also must live in harmony with Christ Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. For example, the Master said, ''Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.'' n1 It's important from hour to hour and day to day that we purify our thoughts and actions. Even the desire to love only good, to always want to do that which is good, and to think only that which is good, will help awaken us to God's ever-present intuitions.

n1 Matthew 5:8. ons.

The possibilities for spiritual intuitions from God are as endless as the needs of humanity. God is not limited in His love and provision for man. And we can prove this through obedience to His laws found in the Bible. Such obedience brings us into accord with His power and goodness, and enables us to be receptive to whatever right idea we need for our circumstance.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes encouragingly, ''When we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously, He directs our path.'' n2

n2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 254.

Listening to God's voice, wanting to do good and be good, may not always be easy. We have to conquer the limiting concepts and practices we have cherished - the elements of materiality such as selfishness, willfulness, and sensualism, which would obscure our perception of God's care. But once we open our thought and heart to God and His ever-present goodness, there really is no cloud of fear or ignorance that can resist the penetrating influence of His spiritual intuitions, which are always present.

There is a wonderful world of possibilities for us when we open our thought to divine direction. DAILY BIBLE VERSE Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. Psalms 139:7-10