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January 20, 1984

Dear Readers: We'd like to introduce The Christian Science Monitor's new Personal Finance pullout section. You will find it in your Monitor on the third Friday of every month.

With the multitude of financial options available today - from stocks and bonds to IRAs and tax-shelter programs - financial information and planning are highly important. In the best Monitor tradition, the Personal Finance section will analyze as well as report the trends in money management for families and singles, working people and the retired.

Although each issue of our new pullout will contain a general sampling of consumer-oriented financial news, the focus will be on one timely subject. This month we look at tax planning, to provide you with information helpful as April 15 approaches - and, indeed, helpful for tax-planning purposes throughout 1984.

Next month, we'll focus on family finances. In the issues that follow, our writers will look at trends and ideas in stocks and bonds, mutual funds, financial planning, and pensions and retirement.

We invite your questions and comments on personal-finance topics. Please address them to: Personal Finance Q&A, The Christian Science Monitor, One Norway Street, Boston, Mass., 02115. Short, to-the-point questions are most appreciated.

Beginning next month, as questions arrive, we will prepare a monthly question-and-answer column for the Personal Finance pullout. If some letters require more space to answer, they may become the basis of full-length articles in future sections.


John Yemma

Business Editor