How to increase the roof insulation in a no-attic home

December 30, 1983

Q Our house has cathedral ceilings and no attic space in which to lay extra insulation. The house will need a new roof soon. What can we do to increase the roof insulation? We have about 7 1/2 inches of thermal insulation between the roof rafters, but 12 to 15 inches is the norm here. S. M. Maxwell Palmyra, N.Y.

The moment for additional roof insulation indeed arrives when you are ready to reroof.

There are many grades, materials, and thicknesses of rigid roof insulation that may be laid under the new roofing. Check them out at a lumber and supply company or with a roofer. Choose one that provides the highest R-factor at a practical thickness and cost. Make the insulation a part of your reroofing work.

Note: The new insulation requires camouflaging at the edges around the perimeter of the roof. It may be a strip of wood equal to the thickness of the rigid insulation. Specify this as a part of the reroofing.

Q Seven years ago when in high school I built a chair of many pieces of wood bolted together and stained it a dark color. Now, after being in storage for some time, the chair feels like matchsticks and is bone dry. What can I do to rejuvenate it? Regular furniture oil does nothing for it. What can be used that will not stain clothing? Polly Thacher Santa Rosa, Calif.

Once the wood has dried out so completely, it will take much time and patience to rejuvenate the chair, but it can be done. Here's what I would suggest:

Watco oil is one of the best drywood restorers. Apply it in many thin coats rather than one or two heavy applications. Buff between each application.

Let us know how it all turns out.

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