Admit it!

December 2, 1983

There's one thing that you've got to admit in order to take limits off what you can accomplish. What is this one thing? ''The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea.'' n1 This thought-provoking statement was written by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, a woman who was not inclined to accept the limitations that mankind is generally taught it must accept as being ''the way things are.''

n1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 90.

These limitations may include the notion that ability is determined by heredity or environment; the notion that a physical weakness or handicap is insurmountable and will determine future prospects and happiness; the notion that poverty is a fact of life that can't be overcome.

The general view is that we are mortal, biological creatures who strive to overcome inherent material limitations. We have aspirations, dreams, flights of freedom in our hearts at times. And yet, the material world still seems to be whispering to us, ''Admit it. You're only human.''

Humanity expresses some wonderful qualities. But the human condition is indeed limiting. It seems to be a mix of good and bad, spiritual feelings and material feelings.

Christ Jesus is the Way-shower out of frustrating limitations, out of the dualistic spiritual-physical ''stalemate.'' He was the promised Messiah that the Scriptures foretold. Through his life, his healing work, his complete ministry, he taught how to be free now from the unjust limitations of materially based reasoning, free in terms of practical, tangible results. ''Ye shall know the truth,'' he said, ''and the truth shall make you free.'' n2

n2 John 8:32.

To ''know the truth'' as Jesus taught and lived it results in moral and physical healing. It involves knowing - realizing in prayer - that we are made in God's own likeness, as the first chapter in Genesis states. To know the spiritual truth of ourselves is to know that we are the very sons and daughters of God, of perfect, infinite Mind. Knowing this truth, and striving to live it through greater purity and love, have a leavening effect on human thought. Limits start to fade mentally and therefore outwardly. Maybe just a little at first. Maybe gradually - but inevitably.

Limits begin to crumble and changes do occur as we begin to admit to ourselves that limits are not God-imposed; as we admit that God is infinite good and has all power; as we admit that God's man is His own image and likeness.

Referring to Jesus, Mrs. Eddy writes, ''The highest earthly representative of God, speaking of human ability to reflect divine power, prophetically said to his disciples, speaking not for their day only but for all time: 'He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;' and 'These signs shall follow them that believe.' '' n3

n3 Science and Health, p. 52.

Christian Science is in full accord with Christ Jesus' precepts. It is the Science of Christianity; it reveals how the spiritual ideals of Christianity can be proved in the laboratory of one's life. Indeed, if we consider ourselves followers of Christ, they must be proved.

What are we proving? That we can be superhuman? No! By admitting to ourselves the spiritual fact - our likeness to our creator - we are able to prove something of our true, spiritual nature. We're able to bring to light to a greater degree the inherent wholeness and freedom of our actual selfhood.

If, then, the material view of life whispers a discouraging lie of limitation to your thought, suggesting that you ''admit it'' - don't! Listen instead to God. He is speaking clearly to your spiritual sense, telling you that you are His beloved child, governed by the unlimited law of divine Love. This is the truth, and sooner or later we need to admit it. DAILY BIBLE VERSE If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20