What some experts say about cirriculum needs

September 13, 1983

Establish educational goals, but leave instructional details to teachers and principals. Cluster traditional subjects to halt fragmentation of knowledge. Ephasize quality of thought. Include ethical values.

"A Celebration of Teaching: High Schools in the 1980s," by Theodore R. Sizer. New York: Houghton Mifflin, in early winter, 1983.

Stop diluting the curriculum and require "new basics" -- four years of English, three years off mathematics, three years of science, three years of social studiies, half year of computer science. College-bound students add two years of foreign language. Vocational and arts courses should be provided for students' personal and career interests.

"A Nation at Risk," the National Commissison on Excellence in Eeducation. From Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.Washington, D.C.

Focus on the individual's program of studies. Keep records of what he has done and proposes to do. Help him balance his curriculum.

"A Place Called School," By John I. Goodlad. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Colleg-bound high school students should master skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening, mathematics, reasoning, studying, and computer use. All students should take English, science, mathematics, social science, foreign languages, and the arts.

"Academic Preparation for College: What Students Need to Know and Be Able to Do." College Board Publications, Office of Academic Affairs. New York.

Eliminate "soft" courses; make sure that courses teach analysis, interpretation, and problem-solving, skills needed beyond the old basics.

"Action for Excellence," Distribution Center, Education Commission of the States. Denver.

Literacy in English, proficiency in a second language, advanced training in science and mathematics are top priorities.

"Making the Grade," Task Force on Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Policy. New York.

One required course of study for everybody comprising organized knowledge, intellectual skills, and understanding basic ideas and values. Which foreign language the only elective.

"Paideia Problems and Possibilities," by Mortimer J. Adler. New York: MacMillan.