Nicaragua seeks UN policing

May 10, 1983

Nicaragua called on the UN Security Council to examine what measures could be taken to stop what it calls US-backed counterrevolutionary forces from invading its territory with Honduran support.

According to informed sources, Nicaragua has four reasons for coming before the United Nations, Monitor special correspondent Louis Wiznitzer writes. It wants to:

* Complain about President Reagan's declaration last week in which he favored overt United States support for Nicaraguan ''freedom fighters.'' Nicaragua says this represents gross interference in its affairs.

* Renew its call for two sets of bilateral talks - between Nicaragua and Honduras on the one hand, Nicaragua and the US on the other.

* Suggest that the UN secretary-general play a role in solving the dispute among the above-mentioned countries.

* Suggest that a solution to Nicaragua's problems be found which would be in conformity with the UN Charter.

Although US diplomats privately claim Nicaragua's move is a propaganda exercise, the official US position has so far been flexible. The US says it is willing to explore all avenues to restore peace in the region, but in the past it has said Nicaragua's complaints should be dealt with at the Organization of American States before being taken up at the UN. Negotiations at the Security Council are likely to be difficult. Several members of the Council said they felt the situation was not yet ripe for a mediating role by UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar.