Spring onions are in

May 4, 1983

The spring onions now being harvested and shipped to local supermarkets have been named ''Springsweets'' by the growers in Texas, because they are so mild and sweet.

They come in red, yellow, and white varieties and, unlike some of the more pungent onions, have thinner skin and lighter colors. The growers say they are at their best as a raw vegetable.

Planted in the fall and winter months, they reach maturity under the warm winter sun in areas of Texas, Georgia, and some sections of California, New Mexico, and Arizona.

When shopping, look for dry onions with small necks. They should be covered with papery scales and be reasonably free from green sunburn spots and other blemishes.

Green onions are ordinarily harvested very young. They have no bulk formation, and their tops are tubular.

Shallots are similar to onions, but grow in clusters and have practically no swelling at the base. Leeks are larger than shallots, and have a slight bulb formation and broad, flat, dark green tops. They are plentiful spring and summer.