Does God heal little troubles?

April 26, 1983

Many people are aware that God is capable of performing wondrous works. In the Bible, for example, we read of Moses parting the Red Sea through the power of the Almighty, and of Christ Jesus healing supposedly incurable diseases. Many are not aware, however, that proofs of God's unopposable power are not unique to generations past. Neither are they remote or extreme instances in these times.

The Bible promise ''God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble'' n1 is being proved today. And God is a help not only in emergencies but in less urgent situations too.

n1 Psalms 46:1.

Several years ago I invited a friend to a Wednesday evening testimony meeting in a Christian Science church. Part of this meeting is set aside for individuals to express gratitude to God and share incidents of healing that have occurred as a result of prayer. And that particular evening many fine healings were related, one of which was a decisive healing of a disease that is often fatal.

The next day my friend remarked, ''There was one experience that really helped me.'' I quickly assumed she must be referring to that outstanding healing just mentioned. However, she went on to say: ''The finding of the lost coat button in the snow was great. I had no idea you could pray to God for help in finding a lost button.'' She continued, ''There is no situation in my life right now that compares to a devastating disease; but my days often seem distressing as I encounter repeated little problems of the 'lost button' type. And I'm intrigued by the concept of a God who is always available to help with the littlest problems as well as the big ones.''

Occasionally, however, someone asks: ''Is it appropriate to bother God with the little mundane troubles of life? Doesn't God expect us to handle these ourselves?''

It is helpful to realize that God is not only the loving Father-Mother of the universe but He is also the animating Principle of the universe, including man. Christ Jesus illustrated this truth through his healing works, which resulted from the operation of eternal divine law. Our fuller understanding of God as not only Life, Love, and Spirit, but also as Principle - a term implied, though not explicitly stated, in the Scriptures - opens the way to healing of all difficulties, small or great.

We can see that the laws of mathematics are not ''bothered'' by our adding 2 and 2 to equal 4. Neither is the divine Principle of all creation ''bothered'' by our daily use of spiritual law to work out and establish harmony in the minutiae of our affairs. The Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, n2 explains, ''If mathematics should present a thousand different examples of one rule, the proving of one example would authenticate all the others.'' n3

n2 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

n3 Science and Health, pp. 546-547.

We find when we consistently turn to God for answers and healing in our small troubles, that often the larger difficulties are minimized or even altogether prevented. The successful solving of smaller problems serves to fill the earnest seeker with a conviction of God's presence and might that gives him full confidence in Deity's ability to care for every need.

Every time we turn humbly to God as a ''very present help in trouble,'' we are demonstrating further our eternal unity with Him, our spiritual perfection as His very likeness. Every time we recognize God as able to answer all our needs, the pathway becomes better known. When the way seems darkened by fear, and the winds of human circumstance blow mightily as we struggle with what seems to be an overwhelming problem, we do not lose our way. We've walked the path of prayer so often with gratitude and praise and confidence that the way is now easier. And our expectancy is mighty. And we find our prayers answered -for problems great or small. DAILY BIBLE VERSE I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. Psalms 116:1, 2