Allied by the grace of God

March 17, 1983

Nations join together in alliance to further mutual interests and establish mutual defense. But without mutual trust an alliance is insecure. The world's mental makeup sometimes seems to be a mosaic of conflicting self-interests, needs, hopes, opinions, and wills. Yet there is in human consciousness a divine influence that works to reveal the harmony of creation under God's government; that acts to ensure the ultimate security of the nations , and the freedom of the individuals who make up nations. This influence is the Christ-idea.

Humanity's great need is for receptivity to the Christ, to the true idea of God, which reveals Him as the sole creator and governor of the universe. The Bible records great victories achieved through faith in and obedience to God. It also presents examples of the ultimate unhappy consequences of aggressive greed, tyranny, deceit, and idolatry.

The Bible clearly teaches that the brotherhood of man is based on the universal fatherhood of God. It teaches that the one God is Spirit, not matter, and that man's actual selfhood is the image of God. Moreover, the Scriptures show that we can safely turn in prayer to the ever-presence of Spirit for our resources, guidance, and harmony.

The only true government is that of God, universal divine Mind, and God's government is totally good. Jeremiah says: ''He hath made the earth by his power , he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion. . . . O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.'' n1 And in Revelation, St. John records the unqualified declaration: ''The Lord God omnipotent reigneth.'' n2 Our task is to discern and progressively demonstrate this spiritual truth.

n1 Jeremiah 10:12,23.

n2 Revelation 19:6.

God's love embraces every nation and every individual in every nation. But the demands of His law apply to everyone as well. Dedication to justice, truth, honesty, generosity, and a willingness to trust the mediation of divine wisdom ensure the rightness and success of alliances and relationships, including one's marriage, one's circle of friends, and complex agreements among great nations.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes, ''Individuals, as nations, unite harmoniously on the basis of justice, and this is accomplished when self is lost in Love - or God's own plan of salvation.'' And she continues further along: ''Human law is right only as it patterns the divine. Consolation and peace are based on the enlightened sense of God's government.'' n3

n3 The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany, p. 283.

Christ Jesus left us a supreme example of the way to bring ''on earth peace, good will toward men.'' His healing works proved the power of prayer to care for every need through an understanding of God's government. As men and women pray in the way Jesus taught, and follow his example in thought and life, they too can demonstrate the spiritual logic of his marvelous successes - demonstrate Mind's perfect control in their lives.

Many severe lessons will be learned as history unfolds. There may be harsh conflicts and cruel clashes among peoples and nations before the ideal of Christianity is universally understood and accepted. But nations are made up of individuals; so as we pattern our lives after the Master's example, our governments will progressively reflect more of the Christ-spirit.

Mrs. Eddy says: ''Through the wholesome chastisements of Love, nations are helped onward towards justice, righteousness, and peace, which are the landmarks of prosperity. In order to apprehend more, we must practise what we already know of the Golden Rule, which is to all mankind a light emitting light.'' n4

n4 Ibid., p. 282.

Tomorrow's Monitor will carry the final installment of the ''Great Decisions '83'' series. The topic is ''West Germany and the US: What's wrong with the alliance?'' In considering this subject, we need to realize that our prayers are an energetic, effectual influence. We can - surely we must - ally our thoughts, motives, and actions with divine Love and reflect its power. In this way we will help humanity to universal brotherhood. We will help all men, through the grace of God, to perceive their alliance with the Christ-spirit. DAILY BIBLE VERSE The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men. Titus 2:11