Kits for pitted windshields.

February 18, 1983

To the real estate editor Q. Kits are available in automotive-supply stores, with several different grades of abrasives which are designed to remove pits and scratches from windshields.

Too, kits are available for polishing aircraft windshields. These kits can be obtained from aircraft-supply houses, which are usually based near or around airports, especially airports where small planes are catered to. Kits with proper abrasives for either plastic or glass windshields can be found.

I much enjoy your column, finding it to be very factual and informative.

Robert B. Bosler

Needham, Mass.

A. Nipping mildew in mattress. To the real estate editor:

Living on the Gulf Coast as we do, we find mildew is a constant problem. I accepted a mattress from a friend two years ago which was in good condition, but smelled very musty. After it was in the room only a day, the odor had penetrated the whole second floor.

I decided to try one thing first before getting rid of it - a good spraying with Lysol. After a day of drying, it was improved, so I repeated the process twice. It was fine and remained so as long as it was in our home.

I thought you might like to pass this along to Rose L. Miller of Pelham, N.Y. , whose problem of this same sort was in your column in a recent Monitor.

Thanks for all your good ideas.

Kathryn S. Hatch

Spanish Fort, Ala.