An unfailing Parent

April 9, 1982

There is no one without a good Father and Mother. That's because no one is without God. If we feel that we or others lack the wonderful touch of love and strength that we associate with ideal parents, we can recognize that we can't actually be deprived of the practical benefits of being well-parented.

Christ Jesus, who healed the sick, freeing people from physical bondage and lack, referred to God as Father. And he proved through his works everyone's true nature as the perfect offspring of God, untouched by disease and suffering.

How will it help you in your life right now to know that God is your true, unfailing Parent? Will it change anything? Can it make any difference? It certainly can.

A little girl grew up in a household where family arguments were the norm. Her father was an alcoholic who demonstrated little affection. As she grew older , self-pity and resentment filled her whenever she remembered her early years. She attributed her nervousness, competitiveness, and sometimes bad temper to this upbringing.

As a young woman, she fell into an illness that restricted her to bed for some time. Feelings of loneliness and neglect swept over her. Turning to Christian Science for healing, she was led to ponder statements by Mary Baker Eddy n1 on the nature of God as the always present, loving Parent. This was one of them: ''That which was first was God, immortal Mind, the Parent of all.''n2

n1 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

n2 Unity of Good, p. 35.

The woman began to see that God was and always is our first Parent, indeed our actual creator and source, and that in truth two human, material personalities had not created her. She was not, in reality, a materially formed mortal but the spiritual image of God. Despite what seemed at times to be almost overwhelming evidence to the contrary, she took hold of the spiritual fact of the true Parent-child relationship.

She found assurance in this statement by Mrs. Eddy from the Christian Science textbook: ''Father-Mother is the name for Deity, which indicates His tender relationship to His spiritual creation. As the apostle expressed it in words which he quoted with approbation from a classic poet: 'For we are also His offspring.''n3

n3 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 332.

As she gradually began to accept this spiritual line of reasoning, she felt years of resentment and sadness melt away, and a present, active sense of joy came over her. Some family difficulties began to unsnarl. During the same time, the illness faded and permanently disappeared.

The young woman found herself expressing to a greater degree fatherly and motherly qualities such as patience, unselfishness, and forgiveness. New family relationships gradually developed, and remorse for what seemed to have been a longstanding lack of affection dissolved. Along with the new views of unfailing divine Love came well-balanced, trustful companionship.

The world greatly needs true father-mother love. When we hear of people who seem cut off from care and love, we can realize in prayer that the unfailing divine Parent leaves no one out. All of us, as the sons and daughters of God, reflect divine Love's provision abundantly. The mighty and tender love of our one Parent comforts, guides, heals, restores. No circumstance is beyond the universal reach of Love.

''And it shall come to pass,'' the Bible promises, ''that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.''n4

n4 Romans 9:26.

DAILY BIBLE VERSE The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. Romans 8:16