God's love in times of crisis

January 7, 1982

Recent events in Poland have left nations and individuals feeling confused and helpless about what should be done to help.

At times when human activity seems greatly restricted - even if only temporarily - one can be particularly grateful that the power and love of God are not subject to national boundaries. His Christ can reach mankind even in the deepest darkness and will open the way for needed assistance.

The Bible is filled with accounts of individuals in seemingly impossible circumstances who, sustained by God, overcame their difficulties. The Israelites would probably not have guessed in advance that the Red Sea itself would open to provide a safe passage.n1 At first, Elisha's servant couldn't see the horses and chariots of fire protecting him and his master.n2 And despite the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, the impossibility of destroying Christ, Truth, which he exemplified, was revealed by the empty tomb.n3

n1 See Exodus 14:10-31.

n2 See II Kings 6:15-17.

n3 See Matthew 28: 1-10. There are many other proofs of God's power mentioned in the Bible. The author of Hebrews speaks of those ''who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.''n4

n4 Hebrews 11:33-34.

These Biblical figures shared a love for God's law and a deep faith that His power would prevail. We can prove the presence of divine peace and protection today. We can begin by recognizing that God is infinite, unopposable Spirit and that man, as His offspring, is completely spiritual and forever one with Him. Thus, God's power is not subject to repression or confusion, nor is man. And those who have even a small understanding of divine Love's power, of Spirit's infinitude, can rely on it for sustenance. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes, ''Spiritual man is the image or idea of God, an idea which cannot be lost nor separated from its divine Principle.''n5

n5 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,m p. 303

By living in obedience to divine law, we become less subject to the carnal mind, which would have us believe that man is a material mortal victimized by circumstances outside his control. We can aid our fellow beings through understanding that all are in truth God's immortal children, under His care and protection, inseparable from Him.

In the midst of crisis, we need to see that the Christ is sustaining those under duress. This frees us from the influence of human will, which would have us cling to a particular human solution instead of seeking divine inspiration. At the same time we can realize that spiritual qualities such as love and wisdom are present everywhere, even in the most difficult circumstances. As Paul explained to the Galatians, ''The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.''n6

n6 Galatians 5:22.

Under life-threatening circumstances, maintaining our certainty of God's presence may require all our efforts. But to whatever extent we can do so, we will bring a deeper awareness of the kingdom of heaven into our lives and the lives of others. Through prayer we can also realize that God, Spirit, is ever present and that where He is, His ''fruit'' must also appear, however much evidence there may be to the contrary. The universality of the Christ will enable us to discern evidence of divine power at work in the world.

Mrs. Eddy tells us, ''Love is the liberator.'' 7 God's love is immediate, not subject to censorship, time, or distance. Its strength and vigor free us and others from the grasp of fear. As we claim this love to be the law that governs all humanity, the divine order will become more apparent in our own lives and in the world. Such earnest prayer will reveal that the light of the Christ shines even in the darkened places.

n7 Science ad Health,m p. 225.

DAILY BIBLE VERSE Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear. Fsaiah 59:1