Problems and solutions

July 9, 1981

Daily each of us faces potential problems. Perhaps they're presented by family, school, employment, community, or world situations. We don't need to dread the day's events if we understand that there has never been a human dilemma that did not have a divine solution.

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord," says the Bible, "and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." n1 Brooding over a bad situation sweeps us off in the currents of helpless fear. Turning to God is what brings solutions. The loving, common Parent of all is an ever-present help.

n1 Psalms 55:22;

Certainly Christ Jesus understood and accepted the promise of God's care. He knew that no one has to anxiously "go it alone" or be without hope in times of trouble.

Jesus' ministry was beset with one challenge after another. Yet because of his reliance on God he was divinely confident that a solution was always at hand. He healed disease, annulled sin, and even destroyed death. We also can trust in divine Love. When we do, our experience -- though not problem-free -- will be solution-oriented, for divine Love is also omniscient Mind, the one intelligence of all.

Learning to understand and accept as our basic premise the truth practiced by Jesus -- that an all-powerful, good God is actually governing -- we will find that arriving at solutions is not burdensome, tense, or frightening. Instead, we will discover problem-solving to be a spiritual adventure. Approaching our challenges with a vigorous expectancy of good, we are assured of satisfying, healing results.

When I was a new student of Christian Science, I was faced with a chronic ailment, which had earlier been medically diagnosed as internal cysts. It seemed like an impossible situation because the problem persisted for several years. Overcome with discouragement, I could not see how, short of medical surgery, I could be free of this problem. But at some point in my vacillating prayers, I became familiar with Jesus' reply to his disciples' inquiry as to who could be saved: "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." n2

n2 Matthew 19:26.

These encouraging words dispelled my fears. They gave fresh hope and a conviction that healing through divine power wasn't just a possibility; it was inevitable.I was changing the basis of my reasoning from the physical problem to the assurance that a spiritual solution was at hand.

I did this by refuting the lie that there would be such a thing as an incurable disease, and by affirming that there is no problem too difficult for the divine Mind. This important change in my thinking was supported by the faithful prayers of a Christian Science practitioner. Gradually I regained strength, resumed normal activities, and was healed.

Each problem solved by relying on divine Truth is a steppingstone to the solution of the one problem each of us must eventually resolve: Is man a mortal in a vast material universe, dependent on his own resources? Or is he the child of infinite Spirit -- a spiritual idea in a spiritual universe created by divine Mind?

As we begin individually to solve the problem of being by trusting in the divine presence, we will love more securely and feel less threatened. Every day each of us can cheerfully anticipate more peace, express more patience, and experience better health. "When we wait patiently on God," Mary Baker Eddy n3 writes, "and seek Truth righteously, He directs our path. Imperfect mortals grasp the ultimate of spiritual perfection slowly; but to beginm aright and to continue the strife of demonstrating the great problem of being, is doing much." n4

n3 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

n4 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,m p. 254.

DAILY BIBLE VERSE Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. . . .But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the l ifter up of mine head. Psalms 3:1-3