Before swinging, check with your 'third eye'

July 7, 1981

Mythology has it that some humans were once equipped with the third eye, placed in the middle of the forehead. For golf one needs to change the design some. With righthanders the third eye is best suited in the left temple.

This is "the mind's eye" I am speaking of. With a bit of practice one can see very well with it.

I suggest you practice first around the greens. Look carefully at what's in front of you. Note where the flag is. Assess the distance across the green. Glance at the froghair.

Now address the ball, focusing on it or on a spot just behind it with your two ordinary eyes. But see the whole picture of the shot as clearly as you can in your mind's eye.

I think you will find it is almost as if you really were looking at the scene with a third eye. The clearer you "see" the picture the better the shot you are about to make is going to be.

One of the great advantages of the idea is that once one gets used to it there is little or no temptation to look up quickly to see what the ball is doing. One doesn't need to.

Soon, I'm sure, you will be looking out with your third eye on every shot from tee to green.

It will also help if you feel your two actual eyebrows are on-line, parallel to the line-of-aim. I'm not folling! This will help set your head in the right positio n time after time.