Listening to God

April 29, 1981

Nothing brings out the disco skaters in my city like a mild spring day. I'm especially fascinated by those who roll by with headphones on -- swaying, turning, bending, to a tune they alone can hear. Silently, yet vividly, each skater conveys the tempo and rhythm of the particular music he hears in his headset.

Similarly, don't our lives reflect the thoughtsm we're listening to? A cheerful disposition is indicative of joy in consciousness, while an argumentative nature may point to discontent or dissatisfaction. No doubt all aspects of our lives --from job effectiveness to family relationships -- are influenced by the kind of thoughts we're accepting and responding to.

Christian Science teaches us how to align our thoughts with Spirit, God.

What God know is reality. As we learn gradually to think in accord with God, our lives reflect more of what is divinely real.

The true universe and man are purely spiritual, not material. They reflect God. This spiritual creation is entirely good and harmonious. Nothing about it is limited, discordant, or destructive.

Our job is to understand God better, to humbly accept what He knows about His own creation, and to bring out the nature of spiritual reality in our lives.

What helps us do this? Often, angles! No, not supernatural beings flying about on gossamer wings, but angel messages,m or heavenly thoughts. In the Christian Science textbook Mary Baker Eddy n1 defines "angels" this way: "God's thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality." n2

n1 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science

n2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,m p.581

When our thoughts are God-centered, responding to Spirit, it's not unusual to "hear" helpful, healing ideas. And our lives then reflect the harmony, stability, dominion, and bliss that come from knowing God.

The Bible confirms the blessed nature of God's revelations to man. In Jeremiah we read, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." n3

n3 Jeremiah 29:11.

Recently I had an occasion to turn to God for the balm of His angel thoughts. Shortly after returning from a family holiday, I found myself with all the signs of the flu. I soon realized what the problem was. Over the vacation there had been lots of discussion about a family member -- a teen-ager -- who was causing untold disruption and heartache. Though I was able to be encouraging and comforting at the time, I had unwittingly accepted as valid the picture being drawn of a young man behaving in a very ungod-like way.

Detecting this false concept, I quickly turned to God to hear what was spiritually true of my relative. The angel message that came to me completely reversed the negative picture. I was reminded that God, Spirit, creates each of His Children in his own image. That image includes obedience, purity, and immortal wisdom. In God's precious offspring there is no room for evil of any kind.

As I accepted these ideas, my spirits were lifted. Discouragement and exhaustion faded. Before long all the flu symptoms had vanished, and I was back in good health. More important, I learned to watch my consciousness carefully -- to be sure I was accepting only right ideas, spiritual concepts, from God.

so whether we're disco skaters or just sideline observers, allm of us are governed by the thoughts we choose to hear. Our lives register the degree of our listening to the voice of omnipresent Spirit.

If we silence more consistently the suggestions of error and respond more vigorously to spiritual truth, we will be purer, happier, healthier. We can even expect to be an inspiration to others -- whether they're aware of the "music we hear or not.

Christian Science, the Science of the real, is what enable us to hear the unmatched harmonies of God. DAILY BIBLE VERSE we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he livet h. Deuteronomy 5:24