Hello, Ronnie

April 13, 1981

"It's so nice to have you back where you belong!" Mr. Reagan has set such a jaunty tone in the midst of adversity that who could resist a line or two of "Hello, Ronnie"?

A scant two weeks after near-tragedy the President of the United States is home again in the White House. The other men shot in the assassination attempt are recovering also, including the most grievously wounded of them, James Brady. There is cause for rejoicing, as chief of staff James Baker did early on in saying that prayers had been answered.

Among reasons for gratitude is the stability of the American government and its workings even when leaders are taken out of action. This depends not only on constitutional structure but on individuals ready to act responsibly when confronted with sudden events. Many deserve credit for helping a recuperating President to keep things on an even keel. The man in the second spot, Vice-President Bush, has been a model of tact and effectiveness in taking on extra duties without overstepping his role.

The President eased the situation, it appears, with leavening lines like the one in the hospital -- who's minding the store? Now that the boss has started doing business at the old stand, it will be valuable to retain the mood of firm, resilient, good-humored leadership.

Oh, yes, you're looking swell, Ronnie,

We can tell, Ronnie,

You're still glowing,

You're still growing,

You're still going strong.