A wealth of sources on saving energy

February 25, 1981

Please send me your free information on energy. Hilary R. Vida Carlisle, Pa.

I'm sorry but we don't have any free publications on energy conservation. However, there are plenty of sources which are eager to deluge you with data on how to reduce energy costs in the home.

You may, for example, be interested in tapping the sun as a source for heating the hot water. More and more people are doing just that -- and finding that it pays off handsomely.

Give a call to the Solar Energy Heating and Cooling Information Center, Rockville, Md. (800) 462-4983. For anyone living outside the state of Pennsylvania, the number to call is (800) 523-2929.

Try the Department of Energy as well. You can drop a note to it at PO Box 62 , Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 and ask for a copy of its catalog, entitled "Selected Department of Energy Publications."

I should imagine you will find a gold mine of information on the subject.

Then, you can write to the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009 and ask for a free copy of the Consumer Information Catalog. The federal government updates the catalog several times a year and describes all kinds of booklets and pamphlets on a wide array of subjects, including energy conservation. Some of them are free.

Drop a postal card to the Edison Electric Institute, 1111 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036 and ask for a list of publications on energy-saving appliances. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask the institute.

Scout around at your local public library for data on the subject. Also, you can get in touch with a state university for some guidance.

There is no end of sources on how to be a wise energy user these days.