Soviets ban Polish papers, isolate students

November 17, 1980

Two new signs of Soviet nervousness that "subversive" ideas from independent Polish unions might influence Soviet workers and students: * All Polish newspapers and magazines have been barred from sale in Latvia and Lithuania since Oct. 12, this newspaper has learned.

Both Baltic states share the Baltic coastline with such Polich cities as Gdansk, where workers struck in August and ignited the protest that has caused world headlines ever since.

Not even state libraries have copies of the Polish party newspaper Trybuna Ludu, or weekly magazines such as "Women and Life" dated after Oct 12.

Officials evidently fear that Soviet workers might get ideas from the detailed demands of the Solidarity union. Details are deleted from the controlled Soviet press.

* Polish students at the Soviet Institute for Civil Aviation in Riga, capital of Latvia, are now forbidden to share living quarters with Soviet students.

One Polish student, returning to Riga for classes after a summer vacation in Poland, asked to move in with Soviet friends.

"No," said an institute official. "You will only teach them how to strike."

The student is still billeted with other Poles.

Another Soviet effort to choke off news from Poland continues here: Russian-language broadcasts from the Voice of America, the BBC, and other Western stations are still jammed in Moscow and other cities.

The jamming, the first for seven years, began just after the first serious strikes and unrest in Gdansk in August. It remains in force three months later.