Perceptive voting

October 30, 1980

Even if one feels he knows already whom he is going to vote for in Tuesday's election, it is important to turn to God and seek His guidance. As the Bible assures us, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." n1

n1 Proverbs 3:5, 6.

The book of Acts records that soon after Christ Jesus' ascension about one hundred and twenty of his followers met to elect a disciple to take the place of Judas. Two names were nominated: Joseph and Matthias. Before the participants acted they offered this prayer: "Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men , shew whether of these two thou hast chosen." n2 Then they cast lots and Matthias was elected.

n2 Acts 1:24.

Their prayer, so totally devoid of human will, can be the basis for the prayer of all Americans in this year's election. True prayer is never a request for God to back up our partisan thinking, however sincere and deeply felt. It's a deep yearning to witness God-directed wisdom in human affairs.

Mary Baker Eddy n3 was once asked her politics. She replied, "I have none, in reality, other than to help support a righteous government; to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself." n4 She indicated at the same time that she believed those entitled to vote should do so.

n3 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

n4 The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany,m p. 276.

Decisions that pattern Godhs will are reached by lifting thought in prayer to Him as the only power. Such prayer affirms His government of the universe and challenges the opposite belief that man is a narrow-minded, self-centered mortal. As we reach for divine Truth in our prayers and insist on the fact of man's unity with God -- willingly obeying the impulsions that come to us -- His perfect leading will be revealed in our decisions.

God is the only true lawmaker and governor. He holds the universe and man in intelligent control. His government exploits none, oppresses none, but blesses all. Whether we see ourselves as liberal or conservative, dove or hawk, we can know that in reality God is the mover of man, and His will impels harmonious government.

This fact is valuable to each voter, for when he or she looks to God and away from personal prejudice for the ideal of government, thought is opened to the Christ, the true idea of God, which impels action in invariably correct ways. Then he can choose with confidence.

Turning actively and consciously to God to guide us, we will find ourselves less easily swayed by sensationalism or psychological pressure. We'll not allow emotions and partisan fervor to overshadow our claim consideration of the issues.

God does not share his supremacy with evil. Truth does not reliquish even partial control to error. God being the only Mind, there is no personal or secondary mind to contest His allness. Affirming and living by these truths, we can rouse ourselves and others from apathy and prevent mistakes and confusion.

One can support good government by persistently nurturing self-government. Are we expressing the qualities we wish to see in our leaders? Are we honest, truthful, disciplined, unselfed? We can contribute substantially to an atmosphere where integrity and uprightness are considered normal if we strive to bring our own lives and thoughts into accord with Mind. Mrs. Eddy gives this potent reminder: "The characters and lives of men determine the peace, prosperity, and life of nations." n5

n5 ibid.,m p. 277.

We should take an intelligent interest in good government and exercise the right to vote in an informed way. And let us also exercise the right to know that every person's true selfhood (our own included) is the likeness of the Father, inseparable from His love and wisdom. DAILY BIBLE VERSE He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. II Samuel 23:3, 4