Campaign Roundup

July 14, 1980

The planks the GOP platform committee will carry into the convention -- to be nailed down Tuesday evening -- are basically these: * After both sides on the ERA issue vowed to fight any "mealy-mouthed" compromise, the committee compromised. It pulled ERA support from the platform for the first time in 40 years, but worded the new resolution to "acknowledge" both sides of the controversy.

* The committee rejected a similar compromise on abortion rights, endorsing a constitutional ban on abortions and an end to federal abortion funding.

* The new foreign policy planks flatly oppose SALT II and boost defense spending considerably. But they avoid some of the extremely conservative positions the party's right wing favors, such as reopening relations with Taiwan and shutting off aid to left-leaning Nicaragua.

* Other planks urge weaker gun control laws: abolition of the 55 m.p.h. speed limit; and the appointment of judges who oppose abortion and favor returning power from the federal government to the states.

Ronald Reagan and his staff have generally been forces for moderation and compromise in platform hearings, reining in conservative factions, as they try to maintain a platform with broad voter appeal.m

Ronald Reagan has indicated Betty Heitman, head of the National Federation of Republican Women, will replace Mary Crisp as party cochairman.

Heitman will not be controversial. "I don't think it's the proper role of the cochairman [to take stands on issues]," she said.

Crisp, on the other hand, told the party last week they were "about to bury the rights of 100 million women under a heap of platitudes" in spurning the ERA and opposing abortion.

The Republican Party has serious problems, she said, beneath an "outward appearance of vibrant health."

Will the Reagan campaign get an outside boost that dwarfs his $29.4 million allowance from the government?

Possibly not. The Federal Election Commission is taking the on-behalf-of-Reagan campaign committees to court.

The committees have planned to skirt campaign finance laws by raising and spending as much as $80 million to elect Reagan, without official contact with his organization.

But just as a new committee, Americans for an Effective Presidency, has joined the ranks, the FCC has decided to call their legal hand. The FCC is intervening in a suit lodged by Common Cause against the pro-Reagan committees, claiming they have original jurisdiction in the case.

More of the action at this week's Republican convention may occur outside the Joe Louis Arena than in it.

So far, the Detroit Police Department has granted one dozen permits for group rallies and demonstrations. Groups parading and potesting during this busy Detroit week will range from the National Organization of Women (rallying for the Equal Rights Amendment) to such ethnic groups as the Irish National Caucus and the American Hellenic Congress to a group demonstrating in support of handgun control. One of the last events scheduled (on Wednesday, July 16) will be an anti-income tax march from Renaissance Center to Kennedy Square, staged by a group called "We the People Act."