Add a few berries to taste

June 30, 1980

Start the day on a rosy note with a strawberry breakfast nog. Whirl fresh straberries, yogurt, a little lemon or lime juice and an egg in the blender for a refreshing breakfast that's filling and fast.

Thread strawberries on small skewers and place on the hors d'oeuvre tray for a bright touch that's delicious with cheese.

Here are some strawberry equivalents. One pint basbet of strawberries contians about: 3 1/4 cups whole berries 2 1/4 cups sliced berries 1 2/3 cups pureed berries

For a light salad, combine sliced strawberries with fresh papaya, pineapple, and banana slices.Serve in a scopped-out pineaple shell and top with your favorite sherbet.

Blen strawberries with vanilla ice cream in the blender for a quick, frosty frappe.

Top strawberries with billows of whipped cream flavored with instant cocoa and a sprinkling of almonds, for a quick dessert.