Getting information on saving energy

May 16, 1980

Please send me any information you have on how I may save energy in my home, my car, and on the water? Judi Williams Campbellsville, Ky.

The local public library, US industrial corporations, and the federal and state governments all have innumerable publications on the subject. Take your pick.

For starters why don't you drop a postal card to the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO 81009, and ask for a copy of the Consumer Information Catalog. The federal government updates it several times a year and includes all kinds of publications on a wide array of subjects, many of them free.

The Department of Energy also puts out a catalog, entitled "Selected Department of Energy Publications." It covers a wide field, from home appliances and transportation to solar energy and wind. Write to the department at PO Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.

Listed in the Customer Information Catalog are such titles as: "The Energy-Wise Home Buyer," which costs $2, and "Tips for Energy Savers," which is free.

"In the Bank or Up the Chimney?" gives how-to instructions for weatherstripping, caulking, and installing storm windows and insulation in your home. It also tells you how to make a wise choice of contractor for work to be done around the house. Further, it includes a guide for choosing methods of energy conservation and estimating potential savings.

A $1.70, it seems to be a bargain for the energy-wise homeowner.

Let the Edison Electric Institute, 1111 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036 hear from you as well. Ask for a list of publications on energy-saving appliances. If you're interested in an electric car, ask for a free copy of the Electric Vehicle Mini-Guide, which lists the electric vehicles now in the marketplace.