Interpol issues warrant for Qaddafi's arrest

Interpol members, including Niger and Algeria, are now expected to turn him over if he enters their countries.

September 9, 2011

The latest updates on Muammar Qaddafi and developments in Libya's war

Interpol, the international police agency, issued an arrest warrant Friday for Muammar Qaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam Qaddafi, and Abdullah al-Senussi, the former head of the Libyan intelligence agency. (See full text of warrant here)

The International Criminal Court at The Hague requested the notices for the men for alleged war crimes. With the red notices, as they're called, any of Interpol's 188 member nations are expected to arrest the suspects and turn them over to the ICC, The New York Times reports.

Niger, Libya's southern neighbor, is an Interpol member. Several former Qaddafi officials have fled there in the last week, but the Nigerien government says the arrivals have not included Muammar Qaddafi or any other wanted persons.

Algeria, which last week accepted two of Qaddafi's sons as well as his wife, is also an Interpol member.