Renewable energy projects in Iowa receive federal green jobs money

Renewable energy: Iowa is to receive $5.7 million in grants for three years to fast-track training and job placement in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Iowa Gov. Chet Culver announced Tuesday that the state is to receive $5.7 million in grants for renewable energy.


October 5, 2010

Iowa's efforts at renewable energy and energy efficiency are getting a boost from federal stimulus funding.

Gov. Chet Culver announced Tuesday that the state is to receive $5.7 million in grants for three years to fast-track training and job placement in the sectors. The governor's office says the projects will help get training money to businesses, dislocated workers, the underemployed and unemployed.

The funding encompasses thirteen projects in Iowa, including efforts at weatherization, electric transmission and renewable fuels. The money was awarded by the State Energy Sector Partnership Board.